Friday, December 7, 2007

This is my last blog. unfortuanately, i have no time to write twelve blogs. This is my eleventh blog. Because of having a toothache. That stopped me from doing many stuff like blogging, studying and going to my classes. Today we have my first final in eap. it was the writing exam. i don't feel nervous while i was writing ye exam. i think i wrote a good essay this time with less grammar mistakes. We have still some final exams left, i hope i will do good at those finals if i can. I should study some English and some mathematics as i have my final on the last day of esams on tuesday. After the exams today, i went to the mosqye. there was a speech there the guy talked about how islam is going on toronto. he said there over tan 80 mosques there. then we go to an indian restaurant to have a dinner. The food was very delicious.good luck for the rest of the exams


Scott Douglas said...

I sympathize with your toothache. It's the worst kind of pain!

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